Harmonized Resourced Manifesting

Woman Manifest! Group Coaching

This is our signature 6-month group coaching program for women leaders and executives. 

In this comprehensive curriculum package based on our 6-Step Female Mindset Renewal Framework, I help you thrive in your feminine power, shed toxic masculinity and craft harmonious success aligned to your authentic feminine self.

Multiracial group of female entrepreneurs celebrating Women's Day in the office.
multiracial young women's group lifestyle outdoors,

Are you a successful woman leader/exec and resonate with many of the following?

  • You’re killing it at work but have started feeling stuck and unfulfilled
  • Your life feels inharmonious and you struggle with work/life balance
  • You take on too much, wear the busyness badge of honor, and often suffer from burnout
  • You are tough, generally inflexible, and struggle to be empathetic towards others, especially women colleagues, at work
  • You have challenges maintaining healthy romantic relationships with men
  • You frequently attract men who want to be taken care of
  • You’re a fixer, and tend to always be footing the bill for others *hint hint: even when they didn’t ask
  • You’re mostly guarded and have trouble being emotionally vulnerable, especially with close ones
  • You’re impatient with others, including your kids if you have, and often speak in a harsh tone
  • You mostly like dressing up in dark pant suits to work to feel confident
  • You’ve been called names: chest of wood, heart of stone, hot-headed, etc. But you know that these labels don’t really align with who you think you are.

Yes? I get you darlin'. I was exactly all of that myself! But I GOT you.

First I need you to know there's absolutely nothing wrong with you! In fact, this attests to the absolute power of your mind to adjust to situations and protect you.

Meet Your Coach:

Hey there, I'm Dr Shibu!

I like saying I’m a pathologist by profession and a transformation life coach by passion.😁 

I’m a Feminine Identity and Lifestyle Coach who helps high achieving women embrace and walk in their female identity and feminine power, so they can create harmonious success at work and at home. 

Having gone through childhood trauma, I lived much of my adult life in painful oblivion of its effects. But mostly, I had taken on a hyper and toxic masculine persona, my mind’s powerful reaction to provide me protection and validation.

I achieved much in my career as a result, but I struggled a lot in human connection, especially romantic and parenting relationships. I realised the trauma had stripped me of my identity, self-worth, confidence and peace.

After a rock bottom, I made a conscious decision to go to war, through inner work, to reclaim Shibu. And now here I am, reaching out to you to help and support you do the same.

I’ll support you craft your authentic identity as a female, embrace your feminine worth and power, and gain the confidence to craft a life aligned and in harmony with your female self.


How will this program benefit you?

I guide you as you take real steps towards reclaiming your feminine power, finding alignment with the ultimate truest version of yourself and manifesting the life of your dreams, the life you were intended to live.

After the coaching program, you’ll get to:

  • Have your own crafted life strategy: your vision, mission, values and goals
  • Have clarity and confidence in your authentic identity and purpose as female being
  • Be certain about your self-worth and value as a female
  • Understand and embrace your femininity and the power you possess as a woman, taking on more healthier and helpful habits
  • Shed hyper and toxic masculinity, and reduce your life distress and burnout
  • Form harmonious romantic and platonic connections with others
  • Have the confidence and the clarity to go after the life you desire
  • Carve out your own success from a peaceful and restful place

What you get in our 6-step framework:

What's Inside


  • 6 x Curriculum Content Modules delivered over 6 months
  • 12 x Content Anchoring Coaching Sessions
  • 18 x Q&A Sessions (3/month)
  • 6 x Do It Together Days on success tasks & module worksheets
  • Group accountability and support for 6 months in a private community platform
  • Optional 1.5-2 hr Mindset Techniques (Enquire)


  • Everything in the Gold Package


  • Fortnightly (12 x) PRIVATE Q&A Sessions
  • 6 x MINDSET TECHNIQUES to turbocharge your transformation
  • Private accountability and support for 6 months on a private platform



You Pay:
$3799 (or $697 x 6 Months)


You Pay:
$6799 (or $1247 x 6 Months)

ENROLMENT is only twice a year. Enrolment currently CLOSED. Enquire about enrolment.

NB. There's CONSISTENT work to do. The success of your program is dependent on your COMMITMENT to it.

HR Manifesting is not liable for how the information provided during coaching is used and cannot be held responsible or guarantee any results. You alone are solely and personally responsible for the results, and your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. Shibu is simply serving as a coach, mentor and guide to help you ditch harmful masculinity, be confident in your authentic identity as a woman, and craft success aligned to your female nature.