Wish to boost your progress on your personal growth journey? These superpowers changed my life!
You may love and/or hate me for these! Much love to you regardless!😁
Sure, there are more, after all, we are powerful beings, but for me, these interconnected 6 take top place:
I wanted to share all of them in one post but it proved impossible, I wasn’t gonna be doing them and you justice.
So we’ll tackle one at a time, starting with Self-Awareness.
Superpower #1: Self Awareness
Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Where do they come from? What fuels them? Are they serving me? Are they serving others?
By introspecting and reflecting, you gain clear and objective knowledge of yourself.
It means sitting, most times uncomfortably, with yourself and having a 2-, even a 3-, way conversation with yourself.
It involves being in tune with your identity, beliefs, values, dreams, strengths (abilities, gifts, talents, skills) and weaknesses.
These elements become the calibration standards for your thoughts, emotions and actions when you are introspecting, enabling self-control.
You’ll be able to answer: Am I on the right track for myself?
Hey, just because I love singing in my shower doesn’t necessarily mean I can serve through song.
My music minister friend Nqo will find it in her heart to say that to my face. And now I get hurt because I wasn’t aware of my lack of musical talent!🤨
I finally started becoming self-aware 7 years ago, at age 35. Commonly the age to do so. Nothing musical though.
I got tired of repeating the same mistakes. Like biblical Paul, the things that I desired to do I didn’t do, and the things that I didn’t want to do, I did.
I got burnt out at life! You realize you’re just on autopilot, with whatever is the issue at the wheel.
The breaking point was that I had habits that were (mentally) hurtful to my kid.
I had to sit down with myself and all versions of myself and face myself. Who/what was at the wheel? Why was I the way I was? Why did I say the things I said? Why did I say things how I said them?
Initially the answers you get are superficial. I got no relief from them. That’s our minds telling us to dig even deeper.
One superficial reason why I had difficulty receiving my friend Ro’s generous house gift was that I felt this would mean I owed something to someone. How absurd, it was a GIFT! See, no relief!
The (real) deepest reason was that I did not feel worthy. Period.
And on it went: What was the thought behind this action? What was the belief behind this thought?
What was the thought behind this belief? What generated this belief? What entrenched this belief?
What was I feeling before I did that? Why was I feeling the way I did? What generated the feeling in the first place?
Ya, that was rock bottom, but I found the Rock at the bottom to catch my fall! A lot of tearful prayers, but times of empowerment.
Deep introspection allowed me to come to myself, and get onto this beautiful journey of unconditionally accepting and marrying myself.
Remember the prodigal son who came to himself and suddenly remembered who he was and whose he was?
If your friends keep on saying something about your actions, stop and reflect. Is there truth there? If so, go deeper my friend.
If you recall your exes telling you the same thing, stop and reflect. Is there a shred of truth there? Don’t let bitterness or hurt blind you to your blind spots.
The beautiful thing about it is when you are ready to look at yourself, the time and the circumstances, painful most times, will present themselves.
When the student is ready, the teacher/s appear/s. It may be in the form of eating with pigs, or your kids, or your coach.
When it happens, take the bull by the horns. You got this!
What self-awareness does is that it lays the foundation for self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love.
We need to be overflowing with these before we can present ourselves to others. The minute they do, even by a drop, you can accept, forgive and love others as you love yourself.
You’d have first gotten to a place where you de-weaponize your actions against yourself.
Doesn’t mean you were not wrong where you were, it just means, even if you are not met with mercy, you are still forgiven.
It is just as important to understand how you make your wins so you not only can reproduce them, but you can also help others along as well.
When we are aware of our strengths, we get to experience pride in ourselves and boost our self-confidence and self-esteem.
Self-awareness builds a bridge between self-condemnation and self-love.🌉
It builds a bridge between self-doubt and self-confidence.
It brings you to a place of healing for your wounds.
It brings you to a place of efficiency in your successes.
It is not a once off thing, but a way of life.
Also, share of yourself with those you need to as you get clearer and continuously evolve as a human being. It can only strengthen your relationships.
When you understand who you are, why you are, what you are, where you are, where you were and where you are going, not even you can stand in your way.
Fam, let’s please start the hard work to get healing for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Let’s first gain an M.Me (Masters in the subject of Me), and then we can serve others wisely and freely.
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